Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Are we alone in this Universe?

Galileo was prosecuted for stating that Earth was round and that it went around the sun. That was a few centuries back... I guess in current times,  if we state that ,there could be life else where in universe, we will find many people opposing that theory...
We may not be prosecuted but would be looked down upon or considered a lunatic.
Though many people are now open to the fact that there could be life out there beyond earth and  hollywood movies are also influencing peoples mind in that direction...

But the fact is , to consider that only earth can sustain life is Stupid and Arrogant thought.

I would like to put a theory, which is from  an amazing book called , Charriots of God by Eric von Daniken.

We live on planet earth, our planet and 7 other plantes are revolving around a Star - Sun. (Pluto is no more considered a planet)
So in the 8 planets, Earth is a planet which is at condusive distance from Sun, to have good climate , water and Oxygen and other building blocks of energy that made life to evolve on this planet...

Our solar system is a part of Milky Wave galaxy. Earth is almost 30000 Light years away form the center of the Galaxy. A light year is speed of light travelling in one year... (1 light year = 1,86,000*60*24*365 Miles)
Our Milky Wave galaxy has 100 - 400 Billion Stars...  
There is no estimate,  but there are Billions * Billions of Galaxies in our universe... Now each galaxy has billions and billions of stars... Each star   might have its own solar systems. When we think of such staggering amounts of solar system, its really ridiculous to think that life could only exist on planet earth.

The  Hubble Space Telescope , has been finding many stars and galaxies fom many years now. But a few years  back, scientist did an experiment... They focused hubble telescope to the patch of sky which had absolutely nothing in it.. That means Hubble could  record no Stars, Galaxies , Nebule or any othe space objects. The scientist focused the telescope not for few hours, but for 11 days on this patch of nothingness.
The scientist found the deepest view ever of the Universe. With all those orbits spent observing what appears to be a blank patch of sky,but  what it was doing was probing Universe, seeing beyond what any human eye—even one aided by a telescope—could ever hope to see. It took literally hundreds of thousands of seconds of observations across four separate color filters to produce these results.
The result gave scientists  the information that a very large number of galaxies exist in a minuscule region of the sky: around 10,000 in the tiny volume surveyed by the Hubble Ultra Deep Field Telescope. See the Picture below of the actual hubble telescope image...

So the Universe is very large, beyond a human mind to comprehend and as of now it cannot be messured...

So in this vast universe, with billions of galaxies and trillions and trillions of stars and planets, do we really think that we could be alone?

Lets assume that there are 1000000 planets in our Milky wave galaxy that supports life like bacteria and microbes. Out of this  lets assume , only 10000 has  life like wild animals as found on earth... Lets assume that out of this 100 odd planets might support intelligient life just like ours....

Imagine 100 planets in our galaxy alone which might have intelligent life,, So imagine the amount of intelligent life that exist in all other galaxies .. Imagine the intelligent life like ours which exist now in this universe...

We all belive that God loves us,He made us ,  and he has made  the Stars, Galaxies, Neblues, Novas and SuperNovas, the Universe Itself...
So within this large universe, why would he just make humans and life only on earth and leave rest of the billions and billions of galaxies and stars with no life... This has no logic...

Its believed that earth was formed nearly 4 billion years ago. Life on earth started almost 2 billion years ago... The human life has started only about a million years ago... Out of that the recorded history of our species is only about 7000 years.. There is not much information available to us before that period... We as human race has fought lots of harsh conditions and have really had  tough times to evolve.. And its only in the last few thousands of years did our mental evolution pick up  speed, and its just a few centuries,  that we have technologically advanced to this current state...

Now just imagine , Please have an open mind to what I say... Imagine that intelligent life has evolved on other planets a few thousand years ago... There are chances that intelligent life has evolved a few million or even few billion years ago on other planets in our galaxy or other galaxies... Imagine that they might had it easy,, probably they didnt have a harsh atmosphere,, a harsh life... I mean, imagine life on earth a few thousand years ago when there was no technology.. Early men lived in caves,, were faced with harsh climatic conditions and had to survive many other harsh moments to survive to the now current state - the evolved homo sapiens. thaht we are !!
So if life has evolved on other planets a million or billion years before and they progressed to technogical poweress in lesser times than us, so imagine that there is a possiblity that there might be races which is more powerfull., more mighty and could be even more spritually advanced than us...
There might be races that are intelligent but in stone age compared to us, or races that might be at par with us or there also could be superconsious races that might be very advanced than us- Mentally, Physically, emotionally , technologically and even Spiritually more capable than us...
Well thats just a thought... But the hypothesis might be true... Well only God knows :-)

But if we believe that, in this huge universe  we are the only intelligent life , then wouldn't that be a very arrogant thinking...

Think about it for a few moments,,,  and lets ask an honest question to ourselves.... Are we really alone in this Universe?


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